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Sala Infantil de la Biblioteca de Lloret de Mar.
This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Debian systems. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly. You should replace this file. Before continuing to operate your HTTP server. Refer to this for the full documentation. Documentation for the web server itself can be found by accessing the manual. Package was installed on this server.
Action 4 Central ID Beta Login.
鈥滄搷鐩樼嚎鈥濓紝鏄 泭鐩熸搷鐩樻墜棣栧垱鐨勮偂绁ㄤ拱鍗栧喅绛栧姛鑳斤紝鍘嗙粡9骞寸墰鐔婂競瀹炴垬鑰冮獙銆傚畠鑳芥槑纭 彁绀築鐐逛拱銆丼鐐瑰崠锛岀孩鑹叉寔鑲 佽摑鑹叉寔甯侊紝鍒ゆ柇涓诲姏闇囦粨浠ュ強璇卞 绛夎 涓猴紝璁 偍鎹曟崏澶х殑涓婃定锛岃 閬垮ぇ鐨勪笅璺屻? 鐙 湁鐨凩2璧勯噾鍗氬紙鍔熻兘锛屽姩鎬佸 姣旀暎鎴枫 佷腑鎴枫 佸ぇ鎴枫 佽秴绾ц祫閲戝洓澶ц祫閲戣处鎴凤紝娓呮櫚琛ㄧ幇瓒呯骇璧勯噾鐨勬帶鐩樺姏搴 紝鎻 ず涓诲姏鍔ㄥ悜锛? 璧勯噾鍗氬紙涓哄 鏃ョ疮璁 富鍔涙帶鐩樺姏搴 紝鍒嗘椂鍗氬紙涓哄綋鏃ュ綋鏃惰祫閲戝姩鎬佸 姣旓紝瀹冧滑鍙 粨鍚堟搷鐩樼嚎浣跨敤锛岄 傚悎涓嶅悓鐐掕偂涔犳儻鐨勮偂姘戦 夋嫨娼滃姏鑲? 涓诲姏璧勯噾鏄 倰鑲 弬鑰冪殑閲嶈 鍥犵礌涔嬩竴锛屾墜鏈轰富鍔涚増鐨勫ぇ鍗曟瘮鐜囬 氳繃澶у崟娴佸姩閲忓崰娴侀 氱洏鐨勬瘮渚嬫潵琛ㄧず涓诲姏鍔ㄥ悜锛涜祫閲戞祦鍙樺垯浠庢垚浜ら 鐨勮 搴 紝鍙嶆槧璧勯噾鍑 娴侀噺鐨勫 硷紝瀹冧滑閮界敤绾 豢鏌辩洿瑙傝 绀哄ぇ鍗曠殑鍔涘害锛屾妸鎻 富鍔涙柟鍚戯紝缁撳悎鎿嶇洏绾匡紝甯 偍鎶婃彙瓒嬪娍锛屾彁鍗囩倰鑲 儨鐜囷紒. 鏄庢棩鎻愮ず 鑲 競澶 皵鏃 煡閬? .
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